Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Most Hated Disease!!!

So If any of you know what this is......then you have or know someone who has diabetes. I hate this thing. however it is my life line. After 2 years I still can NOT prick my fingers. I am thankful that I don't not have to take insulin. I definitely can't do that.. no how. And even after 2 years diabetes still scare me. I have family members who are really have trouble with it and have had thing amputated. And I have to admit, sugar is my weakness and I am having trouble staying away from it. but my A1c test is still down. GO FIGURE! I guess it would help if my family didn't want me to buy the stuff for them. At the same time it's expensive to buy healthy. I know, I know...No excuses. I will try to be better.

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