Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Super Peewee (JV Peewees) Super Bowl 2010


Saturday Oct. 9, 2010-Dickson Dolphin Super Peewee Series.
Silver Dolphins vs. Orange Dolphins.
The crowd is wild. Well maybe just us mamma's! But this was a good game. Video to come soon, still in editing phase. Orange Dolphins won 12-14. Jayden was on the Silver Dolphins Team. I am proud of him. As much as I have criticized. I still love him and he did a great job for this being his first year playing football. WAY TO GO ORANGE DOLPHINS!! And this is the Best Game of the Season. That night out JV Peewees (aka Super Peewees) also played the Fairview Titan. JV Peewees won 24-6, Dolphin Peewees Won 34-24, breaking the undefeated strike Fairview Peewees had going on. Our Minor won 24-0 and remain undefeated. Our Majors.....finally won a second time. Better luck next time Fairview.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dolphin Homecoming

Thursday Night (Sept 9th) Tatum's Cheer Coach came up to Bobby and I and told us Tatum will be crown Duchess (2nd runner-up) of Homecoming Saturday Night. I am so proud of her. She will be so excited. It was real hard not to tell her right then and there, tell her how proud we are that she is our daughter. It has to wait and the look on her face, the big grin she had. Priceless!

Something New...

The Kids embarked on something new......Football and Cheerleading. Jayden is a PeeWee and Tatum is a Minor. They really enjoy it.....so far.