Okay so I haven't been on here much, I have been totally in another world...The World of Vampire's and Werewolf's. I couple of months ago i..at the age of 30......discovered "Twilight". I watched the movie in July and fell in love with it. After watching it I just had to find out what happens next......so..........i went out and bought all the books. And I have read them over and over again. I just can't seen to put them down. How obsessed am I?! I am so obsessed that I even have the book titled bookmarks for each book plus bookmarks with caraters on them, the new moon calander, twilight directors notebook, twilight the complete illustrated movie companion as well as new moon movie companion, and I have both of the US magazine "sexy stars of Twilight and New Moon. I could have gotten a lot more stuff but my husband will have a fit. I did take a 4 day break after reading through them again for the 8th time, to find something else. Well I have been watching this TV show on the CW on Thursday nights, "The Vampire Diaries". I know a vampire obsession, I guess....lol. I went to Borders Books to find anything to get me off my obsession with Twilight, and i find more vamps. These books are good to , I bought the first two books of the vampire diaries series and now i need to go get the other two. Its a really good series. But.....I found my way back to reading Twilight. My family makes fun of me because I am reading it over and over again. But there is something about that world that is just so interesting. It nice to be in a mythical world a couple of hours a day.