Friday, March 27, 2009

Lucky One ...part 4

Okay so yesterday driving home from work, I called into Mix 92.9 to play the game 5 o'clock rewind. It's a game where they will give you the events you guess what year they happened in....yep you guessed it. I had the answer. the event was Ronald Ragan getting shot... the year 1981. I won 4 tickets to Mcwane's Science Center in Birmingham, AL and a $25.00 gift Certificate from Applebee's. So in the last four months 4 times. Amazing! I will tell you how everything goes.

Soccer 2009

Okay so Tatum not really been into sports. But the last year or two she has been wanting to play soccer: just never knew how to get her enrolled, so This year I found out how and I signed her up, she had her first game last weekend. Watching her have so much fun has been really exciting. She is really enjoying herself.

Now we just need to get Jayden interested in something. He does not want to do soccer. He wants to play football. so I guess stay tuned in the fall and see if Jay falls through.

Lucky One part 3

okay so I had these ticket i won off of myspace. It was to a concert with Telluride in Indiana. I did no get the chance to go. I really wanted to go. But no fear.........