okay so most of my friends know I my fears both big and small. You also know where i work. well if you can't tell by the picture.lol. Well I could never stick my finger in my eye! Just couldn't. Notice:....I said COULDN'T.... well now I can. It has been a week since i started wearing Contacts. I Love Them!! I have been where glasses for 2 years now. Glasses are OK, but man when I put on these contacts my vision is soooooo much sharper and clearer. I can not believe it has taken me this long to work myself up just to wear contacts. And.....Aannd.....it wasn't that bad at all. Yes a little extra work but i can handle that.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Conquering a fear (a mini one)
okay so most of my friends know I my fears both big and small. You also know where i work. well if you can't tell by the picture.lol. Well I could never stick my finger in my eye! Just couldn't. Notice:....I said COULDN'T.... well now I can. It has been a week since i started wearing Contacts. I Love Them!! I have been where glasses for 2 years now. Glasses are OK, but man when I put on these contacts my vision is soooooo much sharper and clearer. I can not believe it has taken me this long to work myself up just to wear contacts. And.....Aannd.....it wasn't that bad at all. Yes a little extra work but i can handle that.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
My Most Hated Disease!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Bobby and I

Meet Jayden Avery
Okay this Is Jayden Avery, he is who I call "My Buddy". Jayden was born he weighed just 9 lbs 5 oz. When he was 6 wks old he weighted 8lbs 1 oz. After many unanwsered doctors visits I took Jay to a walk in clinic, where i felt alot better with his dignosis. He has Pyloric Stenosis.
What Is Pyloric Stenosis? You Say.......
Pyloric stenosis is a narrowing of the pylorus, the lower part of the stomach through which food and other stomach contents pass to enter the small intestine. When an infant has pyloric stenosis, the muscles in the pylorus have become enlarged to the point where food is prevented from emptying out of the stomach.
So in my opinion my kids so called doctor misdiagnosed my son and he almost died. Now I know my son had a medical problem but in my hearts of hearts I know that , that doctor didn't do the the best he could to help my son. I do however what to give kudos to the Nurse Practitioner, Kelley Sharp. She took the time to listen to me and care for my son. I owe her everything. I know it's not my place to judge and that it's the Lords job but I will never let my children go back to that that doctor. I trust a Nurse before I would trust that doctor again. Needless to say 48 hours later my son had his surgery and is alot better.
But now Jayden is 3 years old going on 4. He is a ladies man, He has gotten my grandmother eating out of the palm of his hand. Which my grandmother was with me during the whole pyloric thing. She watch as he cryed for me when they took 2 hours just to put an iv in him, but not one tear fell from his checks. Jayden suprizes me everyday with something new and cute. He makes me laugh.He is a strong little man. He is my buddy.
Meet Tatum Nicole
Okay so Tatum is who I call "Little Momma". Ever since she was born she was very independent. And as soon as she got her little brother, she has played momma. Not that I am not doing my job as mom, but Tatum looks after him and watches his every move. It amaaaazzzes me how much she loves her brother and would do anything for him. She makes sure he get to bed with a pull-up and with his teeth brushed. She makes sure he is all tucked in. About a month ago my job has a picnic, everyone there was telling me how she would go over to Jayden asking him where his shoes were and to be careful. My co workers told me she would not let him out of her sights. I think that this is most wonderful thing someone could do for there siblings. It makes me think that they will grow up and be so close and will be there for each other as adults. Oh and if Jay gets in trouble, can you guess who he goes running to..........yep his sissy.
Okay on another subject of Tatum. Tatum is 7 years old and will be 8 in November. She has just started the 2nd grade. Now here teacher is Ms. Freda Ruston. She use to be my Math teacher in 7th grade. So Tatum is excited about have a teacher that use to be mom's teacher. She wants to be like me, but I won't let her. Tatum will do anything you ask her to do....well she won't really do what I say, but then again who listens to their mother and father anyway....lol, love you mom and dad.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Just getting Started